goSTATZ Fitness and Nutrition app is a virtual means to customize, coach and support you through your meal planning and supplemental needs. In our inclusive initial consultation, we create your daily caloric needs by analyzing your daily caloric budget, goal weight, BMI, macronutrient ratios and other important factors other key factors, to establish better overall health, nutritional habits, and weight control, based on your lifestyle and physical activity.The professional food and activity logging tool within goSTATZ Fitness and Nutrition app is designed to help you monitor your daily caloric intake with a detailed, personalized meal plan, a grocery list, along with a daily caloric goal and weight control goal that is adapted to you.How it works: Once you login to goSTATZ Fitness and Nutrition app you can access your daily meal plan as recommended by your counselor, grocery list, log foods and activities to track your daily amount of calories consumed or burned during activities, and compare those numbers with what has been established by your counselor. goSTATZ Fitness and Nutrition's cloud account also allows logging online via a web based portal. Regardless if you log on your phone or the cloud account, all data is sync'd up and down. This logged information can then be viewed and monitored by goSTATZ Fitness and Nutrition for better coaching and compliance to your personal plan.